On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 3:48 PM, e.stiebler <emu at e-bbes.com> wrote:
SPC wrote:
Yesterday I installed some CP/M stuff available for the AltairZ80
of SIMH. I am checking the use of the last version of the simulator from
DEC VT220 plugged in the serial port of my laptop. And I checking in
the PDP-11 (with Unix) and Z80 (with CP/M, MP/M and Oasis) simulators
How do you redirect the SIMH console in CP/M from the "telnet port 23"
to serial output of your laptop ?
What I've done (as recently as last July) is to edit the inittab to
fire off a getty on /dev/ttyS0, then log in over a dumb terminal, then
run the Altair simulator from that login session. No TCP/IP port
redirection required.
If you aren't running something UNIX-compatible on your laptop, I have
no idea how you'd do that.