I have a SORD M243 Mark V system that came with PIPS, BASIC and SGL. This
Z80 system from 1982 seems to be interesting as it has a built-in color
monitor and graphics capabilities. But whenever I load SGL (Sord Graphics
Language) into memory I can't load anything other afterwards (like BASIC),
I get "memory exhausted".
The system has "only" 192 kB RAM and is expandable to up to over 700 kB. I
wouldn't mind building a memory expansion but I don't have the description
of the hardware, especially of the pseudo-S100 bus of this machine. Does
anyone have a hardware manual or the description of the I/O bus?
I'm also looking for other software like Fortran, MDOS distribution disks
or even CP/M (not sure if there was a CP/M for the M243).