It was thus said that the Great aliensrcooluk at once stated:
No, a Guru Meditation has a completely black
screen with a rectangle in white/grey at the
top of the screen.
Inside the rectangle is a message a long the
lines of "A fatal software error has occured.
Press mouse button to reset", followed by
2 8 digit (hexidecimal?) numbers. The first one
is the error code, typically 80000001 or 80000003,
but I don't know what the 2nd number represents.
The second number is the address of the task structure of the offending
program. You can also hook up a terminal to the serial port (9600 8n1) and
get into a very rudimentary monitor to help trouble shoot what the heck
happened. I also have (had?) a list of what the various error codes were.
I even wrote some library code that would catch exceptions (that most
often would lead to a Guru meditation) that would allow you to either guru
out, or continue running the program. It's for AmigaOS 1.3 but if anyone
wants a copy ...
-spc (written about a decade ago ... )