There was a very interesting article that appearred in the NY times last
week about publishing copyrighted materials on the web.
I thought it was apropos given the list members that have volunteered
to publish old manuals and such on their web sites. The focus of the
ariticle is not on technical specs but there are analogies even though
the issues are not identical. As we know sometimes technical materials
are not released under the guise of limiting the copyright holders liability.
Or releasing the documents somehow reduces a competitive advantage.
Or the fear that release somehow implies a warranty or guarantee of
The article argues against a recent change to retroactively
extend the period of copyright. And is being brought by a
collaboration of folks many who publish previously copyrighted,
and now public domain material on the web.
It is recent news, but it affect documentation that clearly falls into
our area of interest.
I have not included it here because it is a little long. If anyone wants
to see it contact me and I'll forward you a copy in e-mail (I don't have
a site to post it on, anyone want to volunteer?).