For those interested in programming information, the pc-vista package
(available at (the first place google
returned)) contains some PGA image display routines. The commands were
text based. To clear the screen to color 0 you'd write
" CLS 0 " into the communications buffer. To draw a circle or radius 10
at (150,150 ) in color 15 using line function 1 you'd send
" LF 1 C 15 M 150 150 CI 10 ".
The PGA routines for PC Vista were written here at UCB. The undergraduate
lab used to have an AT with a PGA. We also had a couple of PC-RT's running
X10 as a windowing system as opposed to X11. And a couple XTs running some
Unix version (PCIX?) I'm sure they have long since gone to the surplus store
or the scrap heap. :(
I need to stop the nostalgia now or I'll break into a rousing rendition of
"Where have all the RTs gone?"