Hello Paul
On 28-Aug-00, you wrote:
snip snip
And on an OT note, in the name-change vein, what brain
decided that we should call AT&T Labs "Lucent Technologies" or
take the long-respected brand name of Hewlett-Packard
Instruments and start calling them "Agilent Technologies", a name
that I haven't heard pronounced the same way twice, or again
taking the universally-recognizable brand name of Ameritech
Cellular and renaming it to the mouth-deforming "Verizon
Wireless", a name which, until I finally saw it in print, I had no idea
how to spell much less look up on the web. Apparently they
anticipated that, since they registered every domain name based
on variations of "Verizon" and routed them all to the home page....
A new coat of paint covers a multitude of rust spots . . . .
Marketing says a new name has new connotations . . .
Gary Hildebrand