It's inexcusable IMHO when 2 related devices from
the same manufactuer
have different power requirements, come with different wall-warts, but
use the same power connector. That's just asking for trouble,
It also suprises me how few devices have even revers-polarity protection
on the input. I would have thought it would be worth including a diode in
each device, but anyway...
That's why I **always** label the wall wart of anything I buy new or
used. I have a tray here with all of them, and I can find which is which in
a second, just reading the labels I made.
About the protection, it is inexcusable, but think: The manufacturer
assumes you'll use the wart he sold you :) It's up to you to get confused
and use another :o) And btw, they need to sell more new units :oD