on the classic system I am going to install generic
printer drivers
(HP-GL, postscript, ESC/P)
the linux server is going to decide witch printer to send the file to
using CUPS
What is CUPS?
As I undertand it, then, you want ot have paralle input ports on the
linux box.
I can think of several ways to do this, one of which probably only really
applies ot my linux machine.. That one invloves making special hardware
to plug into an expansion slot in said linux box, it's only going ot be
easy o na machine with ISA slots, and I suspect mine is one of the last
such machines running.
Getting over that, I wonder if you could use bidirectional printer ports
on the linux box as simple input ports, given the right programming. I
would have to check the specifications.
Anotehr approach would be to use serial (RS232) ports on the linux box
(or USB-serial converters if you ony have Useless Serial Botch ports). I
don;t know how easy it is to configure the classics you mention to use
serial printers, if so, then the hardware is easy. If not, then paralell
to serial converters exist, or can easily be made
DO you wnate otbe able to transfer data between the computers?
yes, but only
between the classic system and the linux server
So each classic machine is only outputting data, right?