We're moving, and I need to down-size considerably.
I want to sell the following DEC gear as a lot for $2000.
You must be able to pick it up in Colorado Springs.
Everything goes together, please - no cherry-picking. You take it all, and you can dispose
of the stuff you don't want.
Here's the highlights:
PDP-8E. Years ago, I was able to key in stuff from the front panel, but it didn't seem
to execute. But I think it's not too far from working.
PDP-11/05. The 5V power rail doesn't work, and the core memory is flakey, but years
ago I hooked up an external 5V supply, cabled the Unibus to an external DD11 with MOS
memory, and booted and ran RT-11 using my RX01 emulator board. The front panel is ugly,
but all the switches and lights work. Includes spare CPU and memory-controller cards, but
at least some of them don't work.
VT05 terminal. DEC's first general-purpose video terminal. Quite rare, I think. It
works, last time I tried.
VT100 terminal. Works.
PDP-11/03-L system box. It's a rack-mountable BA11 chassis with CPU, memory, BDV11,
and serial card.
PDT-150. Works. Have a spare CPU board also.
VAXstation 3100-M38.
AlphaStation 200 -4/166.
"Pizza box" storage box. Accepts 3 SCSI SBB disk drives.
About 2 linear feet of microfiche, tech and maint. info. These alone are worths 100's
of $$ on eBay. This is mostly "good stuff".
Option Module List books, 4 volumes.
Digital Technical Journals - I think it's a complete set.
DEC handbooks - about 4-5 linear feet.
A variety of modules, including Unibus, Q-bus, u-VAX, and some straight-8 flip-chip
Also available, but for an additional cost:
Original Commodore PET, 8K RAM, chiclet keyboard. It was my very first computer in 1979.
Atari 800 system.
A home-brew S-100 system that I built, based on a PDP-8i switch panel and vintage LEDs.
Contact me at:
Or call:
719 282 1033 (weekends, or evenings before 10PM Mountain)