On 05/18/2011 07:23 AM, Mark Wickens wrote:
I used a Cambridge Z88 for Retrochallenge last year (see
http://www.retrochallenge.org for last competition) whilst on holiday.
The summer challenge runs in the month of July - entries will be
welcome anytime by email to me mark at wickensonline dot co dot uk.
This year I'd like to use a different, portable computing device to
document this year's summer challenge, and possibly include a little
My criteria are:
* no larger than a Cambridge Z88.
* daylight readable screen.
* operates on batteries.
* preferably with some kind of programming language/environment.
I'd welcome suggestions from members of the list as to what I could
take this year that would be fun to explore but also practical enough
to use day to day to write text for the website. I will take a laptop
for uploading text via wifi, so some sort of PC connectivity is a must
(although this could be as simple as an RS232 cable).
Many thanks, Mark
Find yourself a Epson PX8. Runs basic and has CP/M OS, cpu is Z80. it
has a serial port (rs232) and
there are wedges that anchor to the back of it that are either extended
memory (Ramdisk) or
Modem(300baud direct connect). It's laptop postable with internal
Nicads (1800mah).
I have one I've used for years, good portable.