Actually much
of the 11/780 microcode is in rom.
The stuff loaded from RX01 is mostly bug fixes to the rom code.
The patches went into the Writeable Control Store board.
The 11/785 went to completely RAM loaded microcode.
The 11/780 did have an optional second User Writeable Control Store
What about the 11/730? I remember seeing a fair amount of fast-ish RAM on
the CPU boards (which I took to be a writeable control store) but not
that much PROM.
I believe the 11/730 and 11/725 was all WCS and that was why the 11/730
had dual TU58s... one drive for console and one for WCS.
d|i|g|i|t|a|l had it THEN. Don't you wish you could still buy it now!|