Can somebody please enlighten me as to what a
'wire carrying X volts' is?
A wire completing an X volt circuit is probably better.
In other words the voltage drop along the 5V supply
line (meaning
the wire that should be at 5V wrt the 0V reference) is not normally 5V.
The point that was trying to be made.
Why those 3? The first and third are equivalent, so
why not have
R=V/I as the third one (give the equation in all 3 forms).
I think the point was that for Marines, where the rain moves horizontally
instead of vertically, and is made up of lead instead of water, the
equations have to be suitably simple for use in high stress situations.
I like Q=CV... hope to remember to ask that friend if it was that when
he returns to the US.
John A.