Quoting Tony Duell <ard at p850ug1.demon.co.uk>:
But I can be eaily persuaded to look at the PSU
schematics sometime and
see if I spot anything obvious. Or at least tlak you through the design
(which might be somewhat unconventional if other DEC supplies are
anything to go by [1])
[1] This might not be a problem for you. If oyu don't have any experience
of SMPSUs, any one is as good/bad as another to get started with. The
problems generally come if you have fixed ideas ofg how supplies should
work and then you get something strange thrown at you.
Thanks much for the offer to work me through this! There are a couple of things
that I want to do tomorrow night when I get a chance.
Clint's suggested that there is something 'shorting' the supplies outputs has
prompted me to consider disconnecting all outputs (+5V, +/-15V) from the
backplane, and *only* hook up my auto headlamps as a load. I don't know that
this will give me anything useful, but I'll give it a try.
Based on those results, I might be ready to cry, "Uncle!" and ping you for some
advice. I do like Clint's suggestion to solder some wires to various points,
bringing them to the outside for measurement (that's just the sort of thing I
would not have thought of...thanks, Clint!), so that might be a good next step.
More soon (after my only-headlamps-connected test)...
- Jared