This hearkens back to at least windows 2000, iirc ASR (automated system
recovery) would blast a backup image of windows with. Adjusted/recreated
HAL and all your data when engaged. From the windows boot cd. As said
above, if win7 generates a bootable recovery setup, it probably stages a
new HAL as well... should recover to other hardware easily. (All of this is
if I recall correctly, I'm dipping back into windows server/exchange/client
os after at least 5 years of absence !)
On Dec 19, 2011 9:00 PM, "Vincent Slyngstad" <vrs at> wrote:
From: Gene Buckle; Monday, December 19, 2011 2:07 PM
On Mon, 19 Dec 2011, Fred Cisin wrote:
Do you need some help learning how to select and
use Windoze backup
hardware and software?
I count myself among those who could use some schooling on Windoze
backup solutions that actually work, and don't require me to become an
expert on virtual machines or some other new-fangled crap. Off-list, of
I don't know about older editions, but Win7 has this spiffy little
"backup and recovery wizard" that not
only backs up all your goodies to an
external device, network share, etc, but it also will burn a bootable DVD
in order to facilitate the recovery.
But does it work?? My own system has been pretty robust (knock wood),
but my Dad used to crash his every week or so. (Could not resist
the latest malware crap, rest his soul.) I never once saw him able to
anything useful with any Windows backup solution (this was XP). Closest we
ever got was to periodically drag and drop the contents of "My Documents"
onto his second drive.
Which was pretty F-ing lame. It meant re-installing all his apps and
all their profile information, etc. etc. Over and over again. (Same
problem with
upgrades, like my recent upgrade to W7.)
None of this has much to do with classic computers.