Based on the docs I got from Ashley I was able to re-arrange the memory
section to be sane, cards were in the wrong slots. I was also able to get
the jumpers set right on the G110 card. Now when I power up I can definitely
read core correctly. There's a random assortment of data in sequential
locations and returning to those same locations I always get the same value.
That's a plus.
However, I can't store anything. Anytime I store a new value in a location,
that location gets all zeros. Moving to another location I get data, and
moving back - zeros. So it appears to be challenged in writing, but not
reading, memory. The plot thickens :)
Ah, but your memory is core, right? In which case, a 'read' is actually a
write followed by a restore. Since you can read the same location and
keep on getting the same data from it (you can do that, right?), the
memory is basically working (for both read and write).
Now, Unibus lines are almost all active-low. The data lines certainly
are. Which means that a word of 0's corresponds to all the lines being
high. And they're pulled up by the terminator ,and pulled down by the
drivers on one of the CPU boards. Maybe you've got an enable problem to
that driver, or maybe the data input buffers on the memory are playing
up, or....
You could try writing to something else (perhaps the data register on
your conosle termial card) to see if you can write to anything on the
Unibus. Or if you have a logic probe, you could see if the data lines
pulse low when you try writing 1's to a memory location.