FWIW, I've done one prop rental in my life, and it was to a major
production outfit. They paid shockingly well for a few boxes full of
vintage motorcycle parts. And we had a loss agreement twice their value..
Unless this is a low-budget or student project, you may well be able to
rent them the equipment for more than you could sell it for. And most of
the time, rentals are by the day.. So if they need it for a week, tell them
$25. That would net you around $175 for a week, more than an original 5150
is worth.
Please listen to what's already been said, there is much good advice being
given. But if you can satisfy your mind as to dealing with them, then take
the profit, human. ;-)
On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 5:20 PM, ben <bfranchuk at jetnet.ab.ca> wrote:
On 8/10/2013 2:58 PM, Fred Cisin wrote:
On Sat, 10 Aug 2013, Chuck Guzis wrote:
It's not as if a 5150 is incredibly rare (and
why not a 5160--can anyone
really tell the difference?) even in this day and age.
Would anybody really CARE?
If they would care (historical accuracy for 1982, or computer nerds,
will they ba close enough to read the PC/XT inch square front label, OR
the 8 V 5 slots, missing cassette port?
Why not give them a empty case?
Working model -- charge more.