A few minutes ago, I discovered that I received the following message.
Can anyone help to save these machines? While I'd love to have a DG
Eclipse, have wanted one for years---which was the first largish
system that I was ever paid to work with, there's no way that I can
get to N.Y. to retrieve then, but perhaps someone else on the list can
save these systems from being scrapped. Alas, there isn't much time to
rescue them, so time is of the essence; I wish I'd seen this e-mail
Quothe Eric Kotz, from writings of Wed, Nov 06, 2002 at 09:47:54AM -0500:
I saw you are interested in many Data General systems. Where my dad
works, they have a total of 5 Data General Eclipse systems that
are being scrapped. 3 work, two are parts machines (parts machines are
missing the actual racks). I see you guys want Data General hardware-I'm
wondering if you have any interest in these machines.
These would be free for the taking. We also have like lots of
disks/manuals/etc for them.
Now the caveat:These MUST DISAPPEAR by the weekend. If they are still here
monday, they are scrap. Personally, I can't bear to see these go for
scrap-they are so unique, and the fact that they work still must be more
unique. They were in service up until a month ago.
The machines are outside Buffalo, NY. If you have any interest, or know
someone that does, please send me an email, or call me at 585-758-3274
Eric Kotz
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All Rights Reserved an unnatural belief that we're above Nature &
rdd(a) 410-744-4900 her other creatures, using dogma to justify such beliefs and to justify much human cruelty.