Witchy wrote:
Over at BinaryDinosaurs Towers I was
'slightly' pleased to get sent an
Amiga 4000/040 that's been tricked out with a CyberStorm 3 68060/FastSCSI
II CPU card and CyberVision 64/3D graphics complete with CD and drives.
Wow. That sounds rather cool...
It's boot drive is a 2.5gb Fuji that needs
percussive maintenance to get
it to run so I'm in a need of cloning it ASAP. I've got a known good 2.1gb
Quantum Fireball that I want to transfer the boot disk contents to, so far
my experiments with linux (aside from dd) haven't worked since the drives
are different sizes.
Well get an image via dd of it quick! At least then you have the data intact
even if the drive goes bang (and it takes a while to find a replacement).
You'll *probably* find that a larger capacity drive will accept the dd image
and work fine in the Amiga; you just won't be able to use the 'dead' space at
the end of the replacement drive. Might be worth a try if you have another
spare larger disk lying around the place.
What sort of SCSI interface does it expect on the drive (narrow / wide / SCA)?