Man, I have been interested in the Corvus Concept for many years, ever
since I read a Creative Computing article on it when I was a youngster (not
sure it's in the ~30% of this magazine issue I still have, LOL). I don't
think I've ever seen anyone exhibiting a complete unit... I'll be
interested to see responses; this is definitely a machine that should have
a little more historical presence on the Web! Neat little system.
On Wed, Dec 3, 2014 at 11:58 PM, Josh Dersch <derschjo at> wrote:
Another one that's been on the back-burner for a
long time. I have the
main CPU unit, complete, but no monitor, keyboard or storage devices.
Anyone out there have any of these lying around? Alternately, anyone
looking for the main CPU unit to complete their system?
Drop me a line...
- Josh