I just received an original 8k (7167 bytes free in BASIC)
Commodore PET 2001. The one with the cassette deck next to
the calculator keyboard. Checked it out and it runs great! Some of
the keys are not responding but the owner had added a regular
keyboard external to it which seems to be working fine. I tested it
with the same program I use to enter into the Pet in the stores
when I first saw them:
20 GOTO 10
Ok, so I was a punk high school student at the time. :-)
This came as part of 5 huge boxes of old computer equipment.
Including an XOR S-100 CP/M system with lots of software on 8"
floppies (including Turbo-PASCAL for CP/M-80), manuals, etc. A
TI-99/4A in original box (good shape too), a Bendix Terminal and a
Bendix LogicPort. And all just for the cost of shipping. This is
cool. The Pet and the CP/M system were the big things for me. I
haven't looked at anything other than the Pet yet. Lots to sort
through and check out. Also received an Interact computer for
shipping cost from someone else. This also with an extra external
keyboard hack. I'll get pictures up soon! Computer heaven! :-)
David Williams - Computer Packrat