On 01/05/2016 12:27 PM, jwsmobile wrote:
I wonder how it could take them three months to figure something out.
Maybe Chuck can comment.
But over a year after they spent the 3 months. Hmmm. It will be
interesting to hear what was recovered, though from what has been
written and passed down about Roddenberry, I'm not expecting much.
On a tangent, from a lecture 35 years ago by Harlan Ellison, I hope
all of his papers are preserved and transcribed. He had about 15 4
drawer cabinets of work notes at that time, probably double or triple
that now. I think at the time he worked manually as well.
Guess who Drivesavers sent the floppy images to for recovery? (Modesty
forbids). But we've had a working relationship with them for a long time.