Does anyone have a datasheet for an 82S21? I checked all the obvious
places but can't find one.
82S21 - Signetics 32x2 SRAM
The best I can find is a pinout, and the following description : Open
Collector Outputs, 50ns access time, 130mA supply current. You already
know it's 32*2 bits, TTL.
Here's the pinout. I have no idea what some of the signals are for (does
it, for example, have separate write-enable inputs for the 2 bits?), but
it may be better than nothing.
1 : WE/
2 : WS(0)/
3 : DI(0)
4 : A(4)
5 : CE
6 : Strobe
7 : DO(0)
8 : Ground
9 : DO(1)
10 : A(3)
11 : A(2)
12 : A(1)
13 : A(0)
14 : DI(1)
15 : WS(1)
16 : Vcc
The NatSemi DM86S21 might be an equivalent, I can find no
cross-references to it in other memory databooks, though.