Oh, the
expression is definitely american. The AA5 were the 12ba6, 12be6,
35w4, 50b5 and the 12at6. British and Euro names for the same tubes could be
The European (strictly Philips/Mullard) numbers for those valves are
(I've just looked them up):
12BA6 = HF93 (RF/IF pentode)
12BE6 = HK90 (pentagrid frequency changer)
12AT6 = HBC90 (double diode triode)
50B5 = (No european equivalent, but 50C5 = HL94 (output pentode)).
35W4 = HY90 (rectifier).
And I'll state that I have _never_ seen any of those valves in a UK
radio. 'H' heaters (150mA) are rare over here, as are pentagrid
converters in mains sets. A typical late-series UK AC/DC set would use :
UCH81 (triode hexode frequency changer)
UBF89 (double diode + IF amplifier pentode)
UL84 (output pentode) or UCL82 (triode output pentode)
UY85 rectifier
Or, closer to the AA5 :
UF89 (IF pentode)
UBC80 (double diode triode)
Other possibilities include the B8A 'rimlock' valves :
UCH42, UF41, UBC41, UL41, UY41.
Or loctal valves :
UCH21 (triode hexode changer)
UCH21 (hexode as IF amplifier, triode as 1st audio)
UBL21 (double diode + output pentode)
UY21 (rectifier).
But there were plenty of other variations...
Thanks Tony. A good reference to keep with my old radio manuals.
I have a book with some Euro equivalents but this is good for
recognizing the odd UK one that shows up here.
ciao larry
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