You are not looking. Most sellers do not like Paypal,
and will gladly
accept MOs, even when they say "Paypal only" to appease the Ebay cops.
Personal checks are a maybe, and of course, cash is the most sincere
form of payment. WU is often disliked by sellers, because so many
buyers screw up the paperwork.
bullshit!. entire pages of items, not one person accepts "money order". but
we're not getting more and more off list...
probably need to take this offline.
When a seller has 25 plus people a week asking all
these "baby food"
it's not "baby food" when an item arrives 4 weeks late... (or in many cases,
was never even shipped)
a bit of courtesy isn't going to kill you, it's part of doing business.
if you don't have the decency for a bit of courtesy, and customer service, how the
hell are you going to "support" the buyer AFTER the sale?
pre-sales communications are a key indicator of how you're going to treat the customer
after the sale goes through.
that's the problem these days, companies don't care about the customer, all they
care about is getting the sale, then moving on.
after all, customer service doesn't make money, it's a money pit.
totally wrong thinking, but that's how businesses operate these days.
Anyway, about your above sample questions - that is
what the feedback
rating is for. That feature is pretty much all for the buyers to use.
yeah like feedback ever bloody works. not.
The problem is that there are many buyers out there
that have
completely overreacted to minor incidences, or worse yet, listen to to
"minor" ? minor? are you kidding? being totally ripped-off is NOT
it's sellers like that, that scam decent buyers that should be burned at the stake.
PS - dont ever
bid before about 30 seconds of the auction end, you're just driving up the price
Oh yeah, like this request will get honored.
maybe not, but bidding days or even hours before an auction ends is just stupid.
yes, there are decent sellers on ebay, and there are probably a good number of them, but
there are a lot of bad apples out there.
sellers on ebay need to think of themselves as a business, because that's what they
are, they need to support their customers.
and yes, there are some bad buyers out there too.
there has to be more that fleabay could do, on both sides.
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