1- I'd love to see a scan of that HP brochure if possible =)
2- My sig. other has banned me from viewing my copy of Office Space on DVD
when working for call centers. I have a bad habit of getting the urge to do
some of the things in the movie since many of the places I've worked are
exactly if not worse than the movie. ...Especially the damned TPS Report
thing. Forgot to file 1 small insignificant item once that no one in the
company looks at and has no real weight to the company financials (one of
those "I've got to do it to show validation" documents) and got 3
supervisors, 2 immediate managers, 3 department managers, 1 division
manager and 7-8 coworkers bitching to me about it. Aah, the life of a
computer geek gone to hell...
3- Damnit, where is my precious RED SWINGLINE Stapler?! You know, I like it
better than the staplers we use right now... those Bostich ones jam up and
they aren't as pretty and they are kind of rough on your hand when you use
them and...
-John Boffemmyer IV
At 09:39 PM 6/2/2005, you wrote:
Roger Merchberger wrote:
OK, there's a race car driver named Peter
Gibbons, there's a character
off of the movie "Office Space" (which I never saw, movie trailers looked
*mucho lame* to me), and a teacher in the Department of Computer Sciences
at the Univerisity of Auckland in New Zealand.
Office Space is damned funny. It's one of the few movies I've seen more
than 10 or 15 times. *Highly* recommended.