Chuck Guzis said:
On 23 Sep 2007 at 9:12, Allison wrote:
> What I wrote something similar I used the
word "most" as I knew
there was
> some CP/M software that required z80. However from a business user
We ran into a few vertical apps that required Z80--and
I think one of
the better word processors (maybe a late Spellbinder?) required a
Z80. BASIC dialects were different enough back then (and today) that
an application written with a specific Z80 BASIC in mind would get
you into trouble with an 8085.
Although not strictly CP/M (however easily adapable to CP/M), 12k TDL
"Zapple" BASIC used even undocumented Z80 instructions, namely the ones
dealing with IXH/IXL/IYH/IYL index reg bytes quite a lot. Was very
surprising to me when I disassembled that interpreter long time ago, but
then, the Z80 is reasonably structured to infer the actual function from
the unknown op codes found.