Well I didn't find the Holy Grail but this is
close! I went to a
hamfest today and in a box of junk I found the operating program for the
HP 9877 Mass Memory unit! That's the box that has up to four tape
Well done...
drives installed and was used to mass duplicate HP
9825 tapes at the HP
FWIW, the 9877 contains a small PSU (based, IIRC, on the 9825 PSU), 1-4
tape drives, the same number of controller cards (electrically and
mechanically idendentical to the one in the 9825) and a little interface
PCB. The last is the only part that's really 'custom' for the 9877.
I assume it connects to the 9825 using a 98032 16 bit interface. Do you
(or anoyne else) have the wiring for the cable and the jumpers for the
98032? That's something else I've not managed to find (98032s I have,
plenty of them).
program for it till now. The tape APPEARS to be in
good condition but
you know how HP tapes are :-(
If it is readable, can the 9877 be used to duplicate it?