On 1 October 2015 at 02:34, Sean Caron <scaron at umich.edu> wrote:
While there are a few "forks" of BSD, there
never was a proliferation of
various "distributions"; that is to say, there is only one, definitive
FreeBSD, one, definitive NetBSD and one, definitive OpenBSD. All are
significantly stripped of crud out of the box compared to Linux.
Well, there's one OpenBSD and one NetBSD.
Off the top of my head, FreeBSD has begotten:
* DragonflyBSD
* m0n0wall
* GhostBSD
From some cursory research, there are also:
* pfSense
* FreeSBIE
* DesktopBSD
Whether FreeNAS and NAS4Free count is open to interpretation.
There are others, too.
I have played with PC-BSD and GhostBSD, both of which I quite liked
but found too minimal for me compared to Linux. I thought MidnightBSD
was dead but apparently there's recently been a new release, which I
shall investigate.
Liam Proven ? Profile:
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