I remember when I first used this piece of low-budget software 12 years
ago that it had some interesting bugs, most of which surfaced when you
used 'clever' features of C++, such as pure virtuals, destructors, etc.
I found some interesting 'bugs' in the plain C part. In particular
malloc() would return pointers to areas of memory that definitely were
not free. That made for some interesting results.
I remember calling Borland's so-called support about this. They told me
that if I wanted to use malloc(), I should be using C and not C++. I then
asked them what product I should buy to compile C programs under MS-DOS,
They told me Borland C for MS-DOS version <foo>. I asked them where to
get it and how much, they then told be it was discontinued, and that the
replacement was Turbo C++ v3.0. At this point I realised that commercial
software was simply not worth bothering with, I went over to open source
stuff and have never had any more problems....