On Dec 17, 21:40, Charles wrote:
I have a PDP-8/I and a Model 33 but there are no
connectors at
all. The serial interface card (? M709) is there and if I run
clipleads to the appropriate pins on its backplane socket with a
series resistor to +12v it works, both keyboard and printer.
What pieces am I missing? The above discussion is beyond my
current understanding of DEC interconnect hardware. Should there
be a card that plugs into the backplane somewhere, that has a
pigtail hanging from it, or what? If so, what part number should I
be searching for?
There possibly should, but I don't know much about the details of an 8/I.
Are there wires running from those pins to another slot? An 8/E is
Omnibus, and the serial signals don't appear anywhere on the backplane, so
the only access is via the Berg connector on the (quad height) interface
Pete Peter Turnbull
Network Manager
University of York