For anyone that cares, here is a list of the configurations of my HP
9825s. Notice there's some funny stuff here. Some are marked 9825A on the
back but 9825B in the front next to the display. Several are marked 9825T
under the paper cover. #4 says A on the back, B next to the display and T
under the cover! You figure that one out!
Many of them have a list, under the paper cover, of ROMs that are
installed internally in the machine. The ROMs listed are not the same on
every machine and they're listed in differnt orders. Also some machines
have different amounts of memory.
The box mentioned on some of them is a small box that extends out the
back where the power cord plug in is located. It looks like a noise filter
was added on to some of the machine.
Some of these also have the operating system located in a plug ROM
located in the side of the machine.
9825A SN 1622A07600 also 1637A01402 on back
OPT 002 23228 Bytes
98210A String - Advanced Progranmming
98211A Matrix
98214A 9826A Plotter- General I/O - Extended I/O
Has OS ROM in the side 09825-87905
9825B SN 1014A02207 no OS ROM
Full Travel keyboard. Has box on the back.
Inside paper cover it's marked " 9825T” and lists the following installed
devices: 9872A Plotter, General I/O, Extended I/O, Advanced Programming,
String, System Programming , Total Memory 61670 Bytes
9825A SN 1622A09285 SN 1725A00116 on back
Has full travel keyboard and box on the back.
has Opt 001 15036 Bytes
98210A String - Advanced Progranmming
98211A Matrix
98213A General I/O - Extended I/O
98216A Plotter- General I/O - Extended I/O
Has OS ROM in the side 09825-87905
9825A (but marked 9825B next to the display) SN 1014A02187
Full Travel keyboard and has the box on the back.
Inside paper cover it's marked "9825T" and lists the following installed
9872A Plotter, General I/O, Extended I/O, Advanced Programming, String,
System Programming , Total Memory 61670 Bytes
No plug in ROMs
9825A SN 1622A04464
has chicklet keys
Inside paper cover it's marked " 9825A” and lists the following installed
9872A Plotter, General I/O, Extended I/O, String, Advanced Programming,
Opt 001 15036 bytes, Opt 002 23228 bytes.
98210A String - Advanced Progranmming
98211A Matrix
98216A 9872A Plotter- General I/O - Extended I/O
(note: none of these ROMs should be in this machine!)
HP 98034B HP-IB Interface
HP 98034A HP-IB Interface
HP 98032-Opt 85 16 bit I/O w/ HP 9885 Disc Interface
( Yes, it could operate two HP-IB interfaces. As long as they had different
HP 9825A SN 1622A03718
Has cicklet keys.
Option 001 15036 total bytes
98210A String - Advanced Progranmming
98217A 9885M Flexible Disk Drive
98216A 9872A Plotter- General I/O - Extended I/O
Has OS ROM in the side 09825-87905
9825A (but marked 9825B next to the display)
Full Travel keyboard.
Inside paper cover it's marked " 9825B” and lists the following installed
9872A Plotter, General I/O, Extended I/O, Advanced Programming, String,
System Programming , Total Memory 61670 Bytes
98211A Matrix
Has large warning label on outside top warning the user not to install any
ROMs other than the 98211 matrix ROM or the 98217A Flexible Disk Drive ROM.
Installing any plug-in ROM that is already built into the calculator may
cause damage the machine.