David Griffith wrote:
Now and then I think it would be nice to have a
vector monitor for
general fooling around. Then I start thinking about using a laser in
place of an electron beam. Hmm... Anyone have any suggestions on
pursuing that?
I'm sure the bandwidth of the electron beam is many times greater than
what you could achieve with a laser. Unless you get really exotic,
displacing the laser spot would be through mechanical means, wouldn't it?
I guess the advantage is you can project the beam on a wall or
something, but it seems like a lot of work to get an inferior result.
Have seen some raster/vector things done with older laser printer internals.
These days you might find some EO Bragg cell pieces in "surplus", such
as it is these days.
Worked on a laser deflection system in '80 which had about 20 MHz BW;
was going to be used for direct write on wafers.
Got over-run by politics of e-beam.