Jay West wrote:
> Al wrote...
>> I have a HUGE softspot in my heart for the TRS-80
Model I, having
>> purchased a 16k, Level I unit in December of
1978. A unit, I still own
>> today,
> That's the one system I don't have in my
collection that I'd
really like
> to - a TRS-80 model I with tandy monitor and
perhaps the expansion unit.
> I never owned one, but a lot of my friends in the
late 70's timeframe
> did and we always fought about if my Apple ][+
better than their
TRS80 :)
That must have been a short argument. I used both a
lot in high school.
The model I was unreliable in the extreme. The
model III's were much
better in that regard.
And for the counter-argument, I have a model 1 that
I've had from new,
and which has never failed me. COnversely I had
nothing but trouble with
the Apple ][, a design which i feel is marginal at
Interesting. Most people seem to say nice things about
the Apple ]['s design. I'd love to hear some informed
bashing ;) . Could you elaborate some about the
machine's short comings from your perspective?
My biggest annoyance is being unable to determine what
state the softswitches are in at any given time. I
also understand the cassette interface left something
to be desired (I've always enjoyed the luxury of
floppies). Beyond that, the machine just oozes quirky
charm in my eyes.
- Liam Busey (an Apple ][/ ][+ fan)
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