I seem to rember twist 90 degrees to release the clamping on the
interface... but it's been 5 years or so.
On 5/19/06, Glen Slick <glen.slick at gmail.com> wrote:
On 5/19/06, Sebastian Br?ckner <sb at thebackend.de> wrote:
Hello everyone,
I recently got a DEC PRO 350. It suffering from a lack of RAM since two
of its three memory boards are defective (one of the small ones that
plug into the mainboard and one that goes into the extension cage and
seems to carry its own DRAM controller in logic).
I first wanted to take a look at the small one but I can't even find any
info on the ICs used:
The docs say they can either be 64Kx1 or optionally 256Kx1 chips.
I'll take a look at the chips on the boards I have and see what
markings they have.
BTW, how do you get the cards out of the card cage? Pull the lever?
Twist the lever? Both? I haven't figured out how the ZIF sockets are
supposed to work and don't want to break anything trying.