Hi gang.
First off, let me say that this is my first post to this list. I have
followed some of the classic computing USENET lists but find the SPAM
content to be too high anymore. I was only recently introduced to the
classic computing website but I have really enjoyed lurking and reading
about the many machines you are all working on. It's really been a joy
to follow this list. My thanks to the gentleman I met at Dayton who
pointed me here. I don't remember your name, but you were in the upper
lot and had some DECpacks sitting near your pickup. They attracted me
like a moth to a flame!
Anyways, I've always enjoyed classic computers and I have a particular
interest in DEC PDP-11s. I cut my teeth on RSTS/E running on a
PDP-11/34a and while my laptop runs rings around my 11/34a, I find the
visceral pleasures of blinking lights and clacking drive heads totally
lacking in the new machines. I'm a ham operator who also appreciates
the warm glow of tube equipment, but that's another story...
The point of this post is that I have in my posession the following books:
The AmigaDOS Manual (Commodore-Amiga, Inc.)
Advanced Amiga BASIC (Tom R Halfhill and Charles Brannon)
Mastering AmigaDOS (Jeffrey Stanton and Dan Pinal)
and the best of the lot:
An Amiga binder with the owner's manuals:
Introduction to Amiga
Flow ... Idea Processor for the Amiga Computer
Amiga Basic
I'd like to send them to someone who would appreciate them. Any takers?