On 06/15/2013 09:47 PM, MikeS wrote:
> ...But now
that I know that buying and selling parts from gutted old
> gear
> are 'crimes', I'll throw them in the landfill first thing tomorrow
> morning (after first using them for target practice of course). I
> certainly don't want you, Dave, N0body H0me, etc. to think that I suck;
> bad enough to be chastised by Dave for scrapping for parts some LA100s
> that I'd offered several times with no takers.
Ohhhh no you don't! *I* did not speak out
against BUYING stuff like
this. I spoke out against the morons who tear it apart! If I had an
extra $200 lying around, I'd have scored that auction in a heartbeat, for
all the Pro boards. You take my name right out of that list.
----- Reply: -----
There's that reading comprehension problem of yours again...
*sigh* Why don't you go re-read what you typed above.
But I'm sure someone will come up with the
rosewood/whale oil argument that
by buying this stuff you would in fact encourage the 'morons' like me...
Just think: if instead of boring us with your current average of 6 largely
OT posts per day you invested that time in paying work, you might well have
that extra $200 and then some...
I'm going for SEVEN!
But like I said, I type fast. Nine seconds on this one. And you
know what? I'll make my money anyway.
Will you?
Dave McGuire, AK4HZ
New Kensington, PA