Date: Fri, 7
May 2010 14:44:20 +1000
Subject: Lisa C and Lisa FORTRAN
From: nigel.d.williams at
To: cctalk at
On Fri, May 7, 2010 at 2:29 PM, Al Kossow <aek at> wrote:
On 5/6/10 6:21 PM, Nigel Williams wrote:
I wonder if Apple would be now willing to release
a copy of Lisa C
(beta) - the beta release (only) included the headers/support to allow C
applications to be compiled targeting Lisa (instead of just Macintosh);
Lisa FORTRAN is still to be found too.
I doubt anyone inside the company would know if copies still exist.
Daniels might know, but I think it would be pretty tough to find.
Hopefully, someone will find this thread and remember they kept a copy
I'm guessing
Lisa FORTRAN would have come from SVS (Silicon Valley Software) who put one
out for the 68K around the same time as their non-interpreted Pascal which
used on Mac and Lisa and also as the starting point for the MPW C compiler.
Agree that FORTRAN probably came from SVS.
David Craig had this to say about Lisa C:
... this C compiler was written by Green Hills. From what I recall about
this from talking to a member of Apple's Lisa development team, this
compiler was created under contract and Apple itself did not have any people
who maintained this compiler. As such, this compiler had a very short life.
I also believe that Apple's later Macintosh MPW C compiler was written in
MPW Pascal and maintained by Apple. A later C compiler was written in C.
Note also that Lisa C could only generate Macintosh object files, not Lisa
object files (the Lisa's obj files were much more complex that the Mac's due
to the Lisa's need to support a virtual memory segmented architecture).
From the Lisa C manual:
"If you know of someone with a Beta version, then you can use it to generate
Lisa code. The Lisa support was stripped out of the final version".
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