When I first started we built our own microprocessors out of discrete
transistors and built our floppy drives from scratch. Also we had to walk
through the snow to get to school and it was uphill both ways...
All seriousness aside, start with something not too ambitious so as not to
get overwhelmed early on because then it will never get done. If you want to
start REALLY simple, I have VHDL code for the Motorola MC14500B ONE bit
microprocessor. You can't get a smaller data buss than that !! You can
tackle more ambitious projects as your expertise grows. Wiring up a 32 bit
buss would be a real bitch or a labor of love. I'm certain you will get a
plethora of great ideas from these guys. Good luck !
Best regards, Steven
P.S. Personally I like the RCA / Hughes CMOS 1802 running FORTH.
Hi everyone
As a 4th year computer engineering student with a part time job, I
definitely have too much time on my hands, so I've been thinking about
doing something like building my own computer. I remember playing with
the 68k SBCs back in my assembly class, so I thought something from
that family might be an interesting choice. It's ambitious, but
ideally I'd like to do 16/32 bits and a few megs of memory.
Have any of you built something like this? I'm looking for links to
project pages, shared experiences, and advice on what processor to
use. Reminiscence is welcome too, if you have fond memories of such a
thing :)
John Floren