From: healyzh(a)
Subject: Re: VAX-11? and some C64 stuff
To: classiccmp(a)
Date sent: Wed, 31 May 2000 14:51:52 -0700 (PDT)
Send reply to: classiccmp(a)
The most important consideration would be, if it will support the system
you want to use it with. As for running a Dual Headed Mac, I'd love to!
I've used dual headed Sun's and HP's and it rocks! I believe at least one
list member is running a 9500 with 3 17" monitors!
Will be, hopefully in a couple of weeks. Got all three vid cards, got
three AppleVision-branded Trinitrons on the floor next to my desk.
Just need to get the new workstation console built and everything
wired in.......can someone get me three extra days next week?
Paul Braun
Cygnus Productions