----- Original Message -----
From: "O. Sharp" <ohh at panix.com>
To: <cctalk at classiccmp.org>
Sent: Tuesday, June 09, 2009 6:25 AM
Subject: [personal] Transistor Substitution
I have a couple of DEC machines which I need to
replace a few components
on, and also stock up spares of others. With the transistors and diodes,
however, I often can't find a direct replacement - and don't know how to
figure out what a modern substitute is.
For a 2N3009, for example, I can find basic information and a datasheet
online easily enough - but as for choosing a functional, available
substitute for it, I'm honestly not even sure where to begin.
Given the age of most DEC equipment there will be lots of transistors that
will do the job. A quick Google with 2N3009 will come up with lots of info,
Eg this site
http://qrp.kd4ab.org/1997/971031/0071.html lists 2N3009 as an
eqivalent to 2N2222 along with tons of others, any/most of which could be
suitable. within reason a switching application would be less critical about
spec changes than a precision analog application.
Look for the basic overall ratings to be similar, voltage, current, power
dissipation and gain. Package type is not so important until you get to the
larger power types, but watch for pinouts there are multiple variants of
TO92, TO18 and the rest, you might have to move legs around for an
You could go to the extent os setting up a small test rig & scope, get the
signal conditions for a 2N3009 and then test some others.
Is there a basic resource for determining modern equivalents for older
transistors and diodes? Can someone helpfully provide me with a clue here?
Best regards,
Mike Hatch
Web -
PDP-7 -
Email - mike at
Looking for a PDP-7 (some hope!) and an ASR33