On Sun, 21 Jan 2001, Sue & Francois wrote:
Nope gotta buy the upgrade version from 1.0 to
1.5 (includes 77 pieces). I
already bought the thing... Just that the CD was missing. And It gonna be
impossible to return or exchange it.
I'll bet an Altair that if you call Lego and explain the situation to them
they'd be happy to send you a replacement. I'll bet a Commodore 64 they
already have it up on their website somewhere if you look hard enough.
I wouldn't be so ready to bet. Many companies offload ALL parts support to
third parties, ie when I needed a replacement recovery CD for my HP
Pavillion I had to call a third party and pay $8 for the CD PLUS $12 more
for the "minimum purchase" requirement, plus about another $5 for shipping.
Or would you still call that happy to send?
I bought my wife a Diamond Rio 500 MP3 player for Christmas, an open box
unit I got a deal on, but it was missing the data cable and I just had to
buy a new one from SonicBlue, the fullfillment house for Rio $24 to get a
replacement (which I still don't have after a week).
Plus the MOMENT a lot of places have an upgrade, they see that as a product
to sell, not to give away. Which I "guess" is still better than the place
that USED to have upgrades, but the link eventually goes dead as the
product gets passed around to new owners etc.