Drive 0 seems to have problems reading, but does spin
and light the ON-CYL and READY lights. I need to watch the head
when I attempt to do a READ and see if it's doing anything.
Experts, does this sound like an alignment problem or
something else?
I'm not an expert, but...
Maybe an alignment problem, maybe soemthing else. What you want to do is
take a pack you don't care about the contents of, and attempt to format
and verify it in drive 0 (this will erase everything on the pack). If
this works, then the problem is radial alignment (head alignment) -- the
drive can read/write correctly, but just not in the same place as other
If it fails, then there's something else wrong. Maybe head positioning,
maybe the read/write board, maybe... You then need to do more
troubleshooting, maybe with a'scope, while the drive is
formatting/verifying to see just what is going on.