Hi there Curt
My name is Michael from Melbourne Australia, a Musician
that has always loved ataris for Midi work and still using mine
I am not sure if I have the right person or Not, I am chasing a Curt that posted
a Message on one of the Developer sites with regards to Atari UNIX Disk images
" For those who own Atari TT030 workstations, I have finally gotten a
hard disk with Atari's version of Unix System V on it running along with a
diskette with setboot.prg utility that sets the nvram in the TT030's to
recognize and boot from the Unix Hard Disk.
If anyone is interested, I can make ghost images of the 300MB SCSI
hard disk
If you want a copy, I need a 300mb SCSI HD to Ghost the image to and
you pay shipping to and from me.
If you are the person that did submit this back late last year? does your offer
of the disk images still stand.
Kind regards
Michael Sims
m_sims at iprimus.com.au
" Home Email Address"