"A REAL programmer can write a FORTRAN program in any language."
Assembly language is necessary if one is to get full optimization of
performance. Many people don't agree with that, and insist that throwing
more hardware at it is easier, particularly for people in a big hurry.
("The hardware is done. Now you can start writing the OS. You have 6
"Nobody programs in assembly language any more,
nor ever will again" - Clancy and Harvey
PL/1 was once the language of choice for systems programming.
C became the language of choice for systems programming.
But "language of choice" was rarely an edict,
and there are many reasons
why many products were written in languages other
than the current "language of choice".
Personal preference
greater familiarity with something else
best fit to the hardware
tool availability
reuse of some old code
overly-specific specs
"Baby duck syndrome"
I have heard numerous (and, of course, conflicting) accounts of WHY Pascal
was chosen for the Lisa. I have even heard multiple (conflicting)
accounts of how much the Mac was based on the Lisa. Some day, I might
even learn to not believe everything that I hear.
Grumpy Ol' Fred cisin at