bfranchuk at wrote:
Allison wrote:
You need to add Zilog Z280 to that list of split I&D space cpus.
I was looking at the 1978 ... 1983 time line...
Yep - I think the Z280 was a few years too late, was it not?
MC68k or NS32016 would have been the obvious candidates, I suppose!
PS. I like the 6809 and OS/9...
I still have to get OS/9 up and running on my Dragon* 64 once it makes it to
this side of the Pond. I do have an Acorn BBC micro with a 68008 coprocessor
in it that runs OS/9, and it seems to be a lovely little OS.
* Dragon 32's were to all intents and purposes the same as a Tandy CoCo I
believe. The D64 added a serial port and more memory (and in the case of OS/9,
a cartridge-based FDC) over the D32.