This week I had the pleasure to visit a Zuse Z23 on display in my city.
The Z23 is a first generation, discrete transistor and diode logic, drum
based machine with a small "cache" of core memory. It is hosted at the
Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering. Here is the
Press release regarding the Zuse machine:
Ohh, if you can't read german (at all we are talking about a german
computer ;-) ) here is the english version:
I took some pictures:
The machine is in very good, but not working condition. I suspect it
would be a huge task to make it operable again, like the PDP-1
restoration. But it could be done. There is a complete set of
documentation, schematics, some spare parts, ... A former user of that
machine from the local university explained the machine and its inner
workings in detail to us. In one word: Fascinating! :-)
BTW: There is a tube based Zuse Z22 in working condition on display in
the ZKM museum in Karlsruhe (Germany). The Z23 is kind of a transistor
reimplementation of the Z22:
Pictures only in the german version: