To add to this TTY hubbub,
TTY is not dead, stil in use thanks to hearing impaired, deaf and
blind users use this very same technologies but in new packaging.
The smallest one is flip open cliclet type with 2 row backlight LCD
runs on 4 AA's. My personals: I own 3, both Supercom IV's and one
PCT (spreaks / understands PCT code, bandot and ASCII codes. This
PCT interesting feature that text from callers stored them like a
answering machine. Made by French company, gone under sadly) All
speak Bandot codes that ASR 33's understand this code too.
If you want a cheap, light bandot machine, find one like that and
figure a way to adapt the 20 mA loop or RS-232 to it, some of them
are direct connect via telephone connection or/and has phone
coupler.. Oh, they do still use 8 bit cpu's in all of them.
Oh, there is few that do make TTY cards for Peecee's but I heard few
are trying to emulate the TTY sounds and speak it via sound card.
Suggestion: Try your local deaf club or association and inquire about
them if anyone wants a new electronic TTY.