< I'm still skeptical. I'd love to hear
more first-hand reports of
< the oldest code still running as-is. Come on, code from the 50s
< that's never been replaced? Running on what? Under an emulator?
Ok, howabout a Brigeport milling machine with the PDP-8E it was purchased
with in 1975, still running the same code.
How about a major circuit board mfg that has 20+ PDP11/04 and 11/24's that
could not even tell me what operating system they were running. I was and
still am suppling them with parts to keep the systems running. It took me a
while when I went on a service call there to figure it out. DOS11 beleive
it or not. With RL01 and RL02's some of the systems only have paper tape.
They are using the systems to control routers, drills and test sets. They
also wanted to know about possibility of Y2K compliance - no sources, DOS11
had no RL drivers so the must have written their own.