Chuck Guzis [cclist at] wrote:
This from someone who lives in a country where
body weight is still
quoted in stone;
But you'll hear kg for most other weights: it's really only body weight
Am I the only person who objects to a _weight_ being quoted in kg? When I
was asekd for my body weight, I gave it in newtons :-)
that is measured in pounds. Get measured in hospital
and it will be
in kg (unless you've just been born, must be something special about
Odd.. When I was weifght in a hosptial, it was measured in stones and
pounds (and the nurse had a conversion table to kg).
I'm sure
other examples
abound. So I take any UK-related claims of the metric system being
wonderful with a crannock of salt.
Like it or lump it it's the law. Except in pubs, where you will be
And it's one of the most stupid laws we have! Provided both parties
involved in the transaction agree on what is being traded, the governemnt
should not interfere. If I want to buy 5 yards of cable, and the shop is
prepared to cut me that length, what is the problem?