Cameron wrote...
I have not found a good resource on the Pick language
or the Pick virtual
machine, other than a lot of name-dropping commercial sites. Any
The best documentation on the Pick virtual machine - bar none - is "The
Rainbow Book" as it is commonly referred to because of the front cover
graphics (but that's not the name). The actual book is the "Reality by
Microdata Assembly Language Reference Manual". It's the only book that
really describes the guts. I believe I gave a copy to Al for bitsavers. In
addition to that, I have probably about thirty plus (3 inch thick each)
field engineer and internal only microdata binders. Awesome stuff :) Those
will make it to bitsavers someday.
With regards to the Pick Language, that's kinda hard. The beauty of Pick was
the really tight melding between the virtual assembler, basic, and the
database. You really can't appreciate one of them separately. It's only when
you see how tightly integrated all 3 were that the beauty of the design
becomes apparent. In most versions of basic, one must go through gyrations
to do any serious database work (at least, what appears to be gyrations to
pick-ites). In most basics, working with the filesystem feels like wearing
mittens. With Pick BASIC, database I/O is almost relegated to the background
of the programmers mind.
That is also why Pick claims (and delivers) such rapid application
development timeframes. Because programmers can write serious business
applications so very quickly compared to most other systems - largely due to
the way pick basic works with file I/O.